Iowa Game & Tailgate
Awesome Iowa Game & Tailgate!
As you can see, not many Iowa fans made the game. Here is why ...... game time 7:00pm ...tailgate start time with College Gameday .... 7:00am
Brian and I thought this was the landmark of Iowa.
The true national landmark of Iowa! All roads lead here.

Nothing like a fullsize smoker at a tailgate. These guys know how to do it right.

We thought we found Steve's RV. He told us he was still a couple down from there.
Not so great, but we thought we were there. Steve said "... getting warmer"

Finally made it!! We forgot that it had been a few years since Steve graduated. Sometimes you just can't let an old reliable vehicle go ;-)

I'll have to help Steve pick out a new one. I think this works.

I think we found the source of crop circles.

High fashion in Iowa City.

Finally, some Buckeyes fans !!!

To be in college again ..... the memories

We were working on Cathy for quite a few hours. Still couldn't get her totally comfortable in Bucks gear. Maybe next season.

Not just Bucks fans ... Cleveland people ... awesome !!! Odds of finding a Baldwin Wallace football in Iowa .... 1 in 6,000,000,000
Nothing like apple pie, carmel apple pie, sherbert, and god knows what else moonshine. This guy had it all. Dude with the headband probably didn't feel good for about a month after the tailgate.

We did eventually make our way to the game. Cathy was still convinced that Buckeyes were really just large acorns. Caution ..... I hear they're poisonous!

Good 'ole Lee. Wasn't real popular since he picked the Hawkeyes.

The Iowa Band. Looks alot larger than the night before. I think some were cardboard.
I think he was saying good luck. I couldn't quite hear the part about my mother though.

Now that is what I like to see ...... sweet!

The seventeen hour tailgating marathon complete. It was truely the end ;-)

Not a lot of scarlet and grey to be seen.

Nothing like a fullsize smoker at a tailgate. These guys know how to do it right.

We thought we found Steve's RV. He told us he was still a couple down from there.

Finally made it!! We forgot that it had been a few years since Steve graduated. Sometimes you just can't let an old reliable vehicle go ;-)

I'll have to help Steve pick out a new one. I think this works.

I think we found the source of crop circles.

High fashion in Iowa City.

Finally, some Buckeyes fans !!!

To be in college again ..... the memories

We were working on Cathy for quite a few hours. Still couldn't get her totally comfortable in Bucks gear. Maybe next season.

Not just Bucks fans ... Cleveland people ... awesome !!! Odds of finding a Baldwin Wallace football in Iowa .... 1 in 6,000,000,000

Still very little scarlet and gray.

There's our man Kirk. Now were talkin'

The Iowa Band. Looks alot larger than the night before. I think some were cardboard.

Now that is what I like to see ...... sweet!

The seventeen hour tailgating marathon complete. It was truely the end ;-)
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